How Long Have We Believed in Vampires?
The Black Monk of Pontefract (Europe’s Most Violent Poltergeist)
Jinmenken: The Human-Faced Dogs of Japan
Britain’s Roswell: The Rendlesham Forest Incident
5 Strange and Surreal Tales From British Folklore
10 Things You Never Knew About Superman
Why 3D Movies Keep Failing
Who Won the Battle of the Bonds?
11 Iconic Movie Characters That Were Almost Played by Someone Else
4 Impressive Easter Eggs Hidden in Famous TV Shows
Hawking’s Black Hole Paradox Explained
The Universe As We Know It Shouldn’t Exist: The Matter-Antimatter Problem
Do Parallel Universes Exist? The Many Worlds Theory Says They Do
Are We All Living Inside a Computer Simulation?
3 Huge Tech Companies That Started Out Doing Something Completely Different
Cola Wars: When Pepsi Traded Cola for Russian Warships
Why Do We Put Up Christmas Trees?
12 Interesting Facts That Will Impress Your Friends
Where does quantum information go when it enters a black hole? Investigate the theories of the black hole information paradox.
Some very clever people think our universe could be a simulation. Here's why it's more likely than you think.